Thursday, May 06, 2010

Freakout in Progress

All the travel sites that I've been reading lately have lists of advice with no end. They tell you how far in advance you need to start saving, buy your backpack, start packing, book your flights, read Lonely Planets and even have a schedule for kissing your beloved ones adieu.

Now I'm an organised person but also an extraordinarily busy one. No, seriously.... Well, the drama for me is that I'm still finishing up a few subjects at uni, which I will be studying via distance ed while I am away. Huge call, right? Well the plan is to be done with as much as possible prior to departure... Leading to me, sitting at my desk and trying to plug through as many irritating lectures as possible, while my suitcase lies behind me unpacked, my financials remain unattended to, and the box of crap I planned to sell on ebay for some extra cash has booked a spot in the bottom of my wardrobe for the next six months.

We're at T minus 3 days and aside from finishing said uni work and "minor" details like packing and organising, there's still all the people to see and places to go... The people who will be hanging in there back home, reading about our fabulous adventures and looking out the window and seeing grey wintry Melbourne. Travelling is so damn exciting, you forget about those you leave behind.

On that note, this weekend is family time. The work will be set aside for now, and tonight it's about family. Dinner with the crew, mucking around with my sisters on the couch, long conversations with Mum over a cup of tea - pumped as I am for travel, its these things that I'll miss.

Let's wrap up one thing and then get started on the new.

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